there, another guest post by Shake.
Weekend: Had
the opportunity to watch Darnell Johnson referee a men's PACWEST match.
It was super inspiring watching the kind of field presence he has on the
field. There was no question of who's field it was.
Radio, Quirks and Quarks host Bob McDonald interviews Dr. Mazyar Fallah,
an assistant professor in the school of Kinesiology and Health Science at York
University, and delineates research findings regarding the brain and how it
processes the colour red. It's rather interesting. If you'd like to
listen to the actual interview, here is the link: http://www.cbc.ca/player/Radio/Quirks+and+Quarks/2010/ID/1580124604/?page=6&sort=MostRecent
Fallah elucidates that although motion and locomotion are separate streams from
colour, form, and shape – in the brain, they are able to both influence and converse
with each other. Fallah’s research finds that the brain processes speed
differently when stimulated by different colours. For example, while the
colour blue is found to be associated as being slow in the brain, the colour
red is the opposite. Red is perceived as moving at a speed greater than
any other colour. This is substantiated through Fallah’s research, which
finds that through monitoring the visual processing of different colours – the
target colour red provides stimulus that makes the eyes move more
quickly. These research findings lead McDonald to inquire wither there is
any impact on sports. Fallah suggests that in some sports, like
figure-skating, where speed plays a vital role – athletes who wear the colour
red may be able to make the judges think they are performing at a speed greater
than they actually are. However, while figure skaters that wear red may
be able to benefit, Fallah suggests that not all athletes will experience
beneficiaries by dressing in red. For example, hockey teams that dress in
red will be stimulating the eyes of the referees more than non-red opponents;
therefore more focus on red jerseys may translate to disadvantageous higher
foul recognition rates. To restate, this would be merely because the eyes
would be focused on the players wearing red jerseys for a greater percent of
the time, which could increase the chances of that player being caught doing
something unlawful.
is my understanding that questions will likely be raised as to the ethicality
and fairness involved with the findings of such a study. More research
and experimental studies will have to be conducted in order to determine how
greatly colour can impact the outcome of sporting events. Perhaps if an
unfair advantage is found, the colour red will be banned from certain
activities. What would this mean for countries like Canada – whose
national colours include red? Even if the colour red is found to have a
greater impact on certain sports, would it simply be deemed as a part of sport
– adversity through which teams must learn to overcome? To conclude, the
findings of Fallah’s study is igniting many questions through which only
further research and experimentation can provide answers.
I., Fallah, M. A colour hierarchy for automatic target
selection. PLoS ONE, 5(2): e9338.doi;10.1371/journal.pone.0009338
Thoughts By Strimaitis On Pure Motivation: Author (and
millionaire), Adam Strimaitis suggests that generally everyone wants the same
things in life. "Everyone wants to make enough money to buy whatever
they want, enough time to do whatever they want and whenever they want to".
He suggests that the determining factor to being able to fulfill those
wishes, is motivation. He doesn't mean having just any motivation either.
He means attaining pure motivation. The story he used to depict
what he believes, is one which he read in some Chicken Soup for the
Soul book. Its synopsis: A professional athlete wins a
tournament in which she has beaten over 110 other athletes. Her reward is
a $100,000 check. After the event, as she walks to her car she is
approached by a visibly distraught man. The man emotionally tells her
about his son who is three years old, and has been diagnosed with cancer.
He tells her of the misfortunes that have come his way. He lost his
job, consequently also losing his benefits. The medical treatments his
son needs is more than he can afford. He is sacrificing his pride in
hopes to give his son a fighting chance at having a life. She did not
need to hear any more. She stopped the man, and without hesitation she
pulled out a pen and endorsed the back of her large check to the man.
"I hope this helps." Tears streamed down the man's face,
and he gave his thanks. The winning athlete went home, feeling great.
She won the tournament, and bettered the life of a child. Later
that evening while enjoying a family thrown celebration party, her cousin stood
visibly upset, and pointing at the newspaper. "There's a warning
about some man who has been scamming people, and pretending to have a child
dying of cancer!" Everyone awaited the response of the champion. A
look of relief crossed her face, "There is no dying child, well, that's
the best news I've heard all day." The pure motivation for the
athlete was to win the tournament, just as it was to help the child to live.
The money was merely a by-product of her objectives; clearly inconsequential.
In the end, the results were that her motivations were fulfilled, and
therefore, nothing else mattered.