Personal perspective, from this August Long Tourney:
"The Good"
- Neil is back in Canada & recovering from having had an awful flu, & bronchitis!
- Being graced with the presence of famous people: Michelle Pye, Kevin Duliba, & Alan Ruch. [Yes, Michelle & Kevin originated from Kamloops!] & the precious opportunity to learn from them through observing, working with, and conversing with them!
- Enjoying both, working with, and the good company of local referees, with the addition of more good company - our out of town referee friends & teammates :)
"The Bad"
- Tight Iliotibial bands
- Did you know that there isn't a way to stretch Iliotibial bands? You've actually got to roll them out (recommendation?: use foam rollers or tennis balls) to get at those suckers.
- Failure to follow suit and play elevator music before a game. Right round by Flo Rida was the last song on the radio...
"The Ugly"
- Bri Guise saw a team that wanted to be scored on, and perhaps, even had a play for this?!
- A lady fouled someone, and then hit the dirt in an unfortunate position for her knee. Chances are high that she's definitely blown her ACL.
- Mr. Smith winning in-season bowling, & Mr. Calibaba coming out with the playoff win.
- The number of bags & water bottles I was armed with.
Notes regarding the Olympics: Be prepared. Rumor on the web is that the SPICE GIRLS are performing in the closing ceremonies.
Ever find yourself slightly hungry in between going from working all day, or working out, and then getting to the field for a game?
Product Love: SOLO Gi Low Glycemic Nutrition Bars
My naturopath introduced me to this product about a year ago, & I still love them.
The concept is:
- helpful way to avoid the "spike, crash and crave cycle"
- aims to help you live a healthier, low glycemic lifestyle
- "SoLo Gi Bars are specifically formulated with a unique combination of slow release carbohydrates, protein, healthy dietary fats and fiber which provide sustained energy and hunger satisfaction" - Saul Katz, Founder and President
My favourite flavours are: - Lemon Lift - Chocolate
If you want to try them out, you can get them at Nature's Fair.
FYI: First Aid Tidbits
If someone is struck by Lightning!
"- Although people generally think that the chance of being struck by lightning is very low, there are many injuries and deaths each year from lightning strikes.
- A person struck by lightning does not hold an electrical charge. In a lightning strike, the lightning often travels around the person rather than through him - you can touch the casualty without fear of an electric shock.
- The casualty has probably been thrown - suspect a head or spinal injury
- Lightning does strike the same place twice - assess the risk of another strike, and move to a safer location if needed." (In regards to moving the casualty, the above is suggesting to firstly make it safe to perform first aid, and secondly, choosing life over quality of life).
Did you know that if someone is struck by lightning, you can actually re-start their heart?!
To read a review of lightning protocol for referees visit:
"Causes, signs and symptoms of diabetic emergencies
Hypoglycemia (needs sugar)
Time to develop:
develops very quickly
Possible cause:
- took too much insulin
- not eaten enough, or vomited
- more exercise than usual
- strong and rapid/ shallow
Skin condition:
- sweaty, pale and cold
Level of consciousness:
- faintness to unconscious
Other signs and symptoms:
- headache
- confused, irritable and aggressive
- trembling, staggering
- difficulty speaking
Hyperglycemia (needs insulin)
Time to develop:
develops over hours or days
Possible cause:
- did not take enough insulin
- eating too much food
- less exercise than usual
- casualty has an ongoing illness and the body needs more insulin
- weak and rapid/ deep and sighing
Skin condition:
- flushed, dry and warm
Level of consciousness:
- drowsy, becoming unconscious
Other signs and symptoms:
- thirsty, then nausea and vomiting
- frequent urination
- breath has a nail polish smell"
Hot Stuff
Heat Exhaustion
"- casualty has lost fluid through sweating
- circulation is affected because the blood flows away from the major organs and pools in the blood vessels just below the skin
Signs & Symptoms:
- excessive sweating and dilated pupils
- casualty may complain of dizziness, blurred vision, headache or cramps
- signs of shock, including: cold, clammy skin; weak, rapid pulse; rapid, shallow breathing; vomiting and unconsciousness"
Things you can do to help a conscious person with heat exhaustion:
1. give the conscious casualty water or drinks with electrolytes and carbohydrates. If the casualty vomits, don't give anything by mouth and get medical help right away.
2. place at rest on back in a cool place
3. remove excess clothing and loosen tight clothing at the neck and waist
Things to do if the casualty is unconscious:"
1. If you know what the recovery position is, put the casualty in it. Get medical help right away."
Heat Stroke
"Life-threatening condition where the body's temperature rises far above normal. It is caused by prolonged exposure in a hot, humid, and perhaps poorly ventilated environment. In classic heatstroke, the body's temperature control mechanism fails, sweating stops and the body temperature rises rapidly. In exertional heatstroke, the body temperature rises rapidly due to heavy physical exertion in high temperatures, even though sweating continues.
Signs & Symptoms:
- body temperature rapidly rises to 40 degrees C; hot to the touch
- the pulse is rapid and full but gets weaker in later stages
- breathing is noisy
- skin is flushed, hot and dry (classic heatstroke)
- flushed, hot and sweaty (exertional heatstroke)
- casualty is restless and may complain of headache, fatigue, dizziness and nausea
- vomiting, convulsions, unconsciousness"
Things you can do to help while waiting for help:
- move the casualty to a cool, shaded place
- cool the casualty - remove outer clothing and immerse the casualty in cold water up to the chin & watch closely
- When the body feels cool to touch, cover with a dry sheet
- or if the above things are not possible:
- cover the person with wet sheets and fan the sheets to increase cooling
- sponge the casualty with cool water; particularly in the armpits, neck and groin areas
Emergency Childbirth
hah just kidding people..
[St. John Ambulance (2011). First Aid: Reference Guide. Ottawa: Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication.]
Lastly for this lengthy post: Brook Calibaba is moving from Kamloops to Victoria.
If you want to say see you later, do so before August 15th!! Good Luck Brook!
& a shout-out to Mrs. Farber: Hope you are feeling better and getting over catching what Neil had!
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